Have you ever had a like a flu or something and you didn't know what the Symptoms were? Well that's how it was for some of the first people that got the plague. They didn't know what was wrong with them so know one knew how they died, they just died. But once others started getting the same symptoms everyone knew exactly what the Plague was. Now here are some of the symptoms of the plague so now you can know what happens if some one gets the plague in our life time.
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Some symptoms were a black swelling, also on the body you might black and blue blotches. Some had swelling of the lymph nodes. The plague has three forms of plague. The first is bubonic, it contains fever, chills, black areas on the skin and more. The second form is pneumatic, it contains coughing up blood, high fever, shortness of breath. The third form of is septicemic, was the least common form. It infected the circulatroy system. Some of the symptoms were like the bubonic but with the addition of seizuers, and to bleed easily. I can't believe what horrible symptoms some of these people had to go through, if a had this disease i would want to kill myself.
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